Wednesday, September 16, 2009

The Move to North Carolina

There's been a very legitimate reason for the lack of updates lately: I've relocated to North Carolina with my girlfriend of 2 1/2 years!

She recently landed a job as a news reporter at a local station about 45 minutes from Charlotte at Cleveland Headline News (Cleveland is the name of the County). This is after looking for a job mainly in the northeast for more than two years! We're absolutely ecstatic.

My job search is now just beginning. I'm hoping to find something in the field of new media journalism soon. If North Carolina is what people say it is, then there will be a good amount of opportunity here.

To all the friends and family in Connecticut: Thanks for the good times and support. It's been quite an adventure.

Sometime soon we will post a video tour of our new apartment. Look for it in my next post.