Monday, October 19, 2009

Back to work and glad about it

After about a month of calling up places and sending out resumes, I just recently landed a job at Image Marketing Group, an advertising and marketing firm in need of a Copywriter / Web Consultant.

It's not too big a change from my previous web content position at a local magazine in CT, except this style of writing is more marketing-focused as opposed to journalistic (e.g. print ad headlines, website 'about us' pages).

But after finishing my first week, I'm actually enjoying that transition. My core calling is writing, whatever form it may be. There's still plenty of creativity involved, and I've always enjoyed the art of persuasion.

I consider myself extremely lucky to have gotten a job in my field so fast in this kind of economy.

I still haven't lost that drive to keep writing outside of work, so regular blog posts on The Cultivator will start in about two weeks.