Friday, January 1, 2010

Full-time Status in 2010

This past Wednesday, I gave a two weeks notice to Borders, my part-time position. For the first time, I will be working exclusively in my field as a full-time employee starting Jan. 13th at Image Marketing Group. Doing so will end about a year and a half of working two jobs in order to receive health insurance. Thanks to COBRA, I'm allowed to retain my existing part-time coverage for 18 months after quitting Borders for the same rate.

Even though I've mostly worked 32 hours a week in my field in the past year and a half, part-time status was holding me back. Going full-time allows me to earn more per hour at a job that means exponentially more in terms of resume experience and self-fulfillment. Instead of splitting 50+ hours a week between two jobs, I'll be working 40 while earning roughly the same amount of money.

Commuting to Borders meant driving an hour each way twice a week (4 hours total), whereas Image Marketing is less than a mile away. That means less wear on my car and less frequent gas/oil change expenses.

I also get Sundays back, which enables me the time to post again.

While Borders was mostly a positive experience, imparting solid communication and customer service skills, I think it's high time to finally say  "good riddance" as I move on to the next stage of my career as a Copywriter / Web Consultant.

I look forward to it, as well as contributing more to The Cultivator in the new year.


Unknown said...

I also say good riddance to retail. Hello Sundays. It will be good to have them back again. good luck on your adventures. I know you will do great. Enjoy.............

Matt Renfer said...


Yes, goodbye retail. Hello, full-time career experience!